Emmanuelle Havard, que je remercie, nous fait savoir que SAGE Journals propose un accès libre à toutes ses revues jusqu’au 31 octobre 2008. Cela vaut vraiment la peine d’aller voir !!! Et n’hésitez pas à nous parler des revues ou des articles qui vous auront intéressés.
We want to let you know about our current free access period. You can now register for free online access to over 500 SAGE journals with content available from 1999–current, until October
31, 2008!
Earlier this year, SAGE celebrated the launch of the 500th journal site on the SAGE Journals Online platform. SAGE Journals Online provides users access to one of the largest collections of social science, humanities, and scientific, technical, and medical content in the world.
Activation takes only seconds and then you can access all 500+ journals on SAGE Journals Online, our award-winning online platform.
Please feel free to forward this message onto your colleagues—they can register here.